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APM Group strives to deliver construction excellence and has an exceptional track record regarding Health & Safety, the Environment, Quality Assurance and Risk Management.

APM is accredited on the Victorian Government Construction Register (CSR), making the company eligible to tender for individual state government projects worth up to $20 million.

APM is amongst a select group of companies meeting the accreditation standards of the Australian Office of Federal Safety Commissioners (OFSC). We were re-accredited by the OFSC in June 2022 for a further 6 years to June 2028, the longest accreditation period that can be given by the OFSC. APM have maintained accreditation by the OFSC since 2006.


APM Group's number one priority is the safety of its employees, subcontractors, clients and wider public.*

APM Group is among a select group of companies meeting the accreditation standards of the Australian

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Office of Federal Safety Commissioners. We were re-accredited by the OFSC in June 2016 for a further 3 years to June 2025, the longest accreditation period that can be given by the OFSC.

Importantly, APM Group develops and maintains a comprehensive OH&S plan for every project undertaken, based on the principles of risk management and consultation.

*In accordance with the Victorian Health and Safety Act 2004, associated Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice/Compliance and Australian standards, APM Group is committed to the elimination of serious work related injury and illness, together with the provision of a safe and healthy working environment for employees, subcontractors, clients and the wider public.

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A member of the Green Building Council of Australia, APM Group actively minimises its impact on the environment on all projects through a process of astute site management and by


building cost efficient projects that achieve Green Star rating targets expected by clients.

An Environmental Management Plan, developed to meet Environmental Protection Authority guidelines and the requirements of local councils, aims to meet Green Star Environmental and Waste Management Compliance Criteria. The Plan is tailored to every project, appropriately addressing pollution, construction waste, water conservation and energy use.


APM Group's Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plans outline procedures across all project phases.

A compliance strategy is integrated across the whole business, ensuring


compliance with applicable laws and regulations and satisfying the expectations of project stakeholders.

A regular structured, periodic review process is in place, together with an independent Quality Assurance Auditor, delivering effective mitigation and improvisation.

Internal quality systems ensure strategic and commercial decision making is aligned to meet and regularly exceed, statutory requirements.


Excellence in Construction of Commercial Buildings $10 - $15M Winner 2024


Excellence in Health & Safety Winner 2015


Excellence in Construction of Commercial Buildings $5M - $10M Winner 2014


Master Builder of the Year 2013


Excellence in Construction of Commercial Buildings $20M - $30M Winner 2013


MBAV Excellence in Construction Awards Finalist 2010


Public Architecture Alterations & Additions Winner 2010


Public Architecture Alterations & Additions Winner 2010


John George Knight Heritage Winner 2010

Follow us on instagram @apmgroupconstruction

Level 1, 224 Faraday Street Carlton VIC 3053   |   03 8413 0000   |

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